Dr. Aghogah has written a splendid work that explores crucial issues of ministry as it pertains to the life of the small church. Being a product of the small church herself, she knows from experience the impact it continues to have upon lives and its potential for spiritual vitality in days to come. In the present historical moment, its necessity is often overshadowed by the megachurch and often it struggles for resources in the area of leadership and finances. She has endeavored to address the challenge of how these obstacles might be rectified. One can scarcely read this work without being impressed with how essential the small church’s work continues to be especially given the fact that the majority of churches in this country both rural and urban would fall into this category. Overall, this is a marvelous testimony to the vitality of Christian ministry no matter what the venue might be.
From Maintenance to Mission: Changing the Paradigm of a SmallChurch
Print Length: 123 pages
Language: English